At Mothers Beneath My Wings, we aim to raise a total of $250,000. Your donation to Mothers Beneath My Wings is 100% tax free. We are here to help single mothers who are facing shelter issues. Our goal is to open new doors to provide a safe and stable home and stimulate supportive education environment. This is to help save our future children.
We are in need for people to sign up to donate a considerable amount such as $5 or $10 or $20 a month, to become a sustainer donor.
Do You Believe in Donating?
Mothers Beneath My Wings is a start-up, non-profit organization. Our goal is to create a safe and nurturing transitional home program within a high-quality education environment for at-risk, homeless and runaway youth. The estimated number of homeless and unaccompanied people under the age of 24 years is 968, in the state of Illinois.
Mothers Beneath My Wings is looking for friends like you who have helping hands and a big heart to help the needy. We help homeless youth and teenage mothers with children. We aim to provide food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, educational and vocational training and counseling to youth with no place to call home or to go to for help.
YES! I want to help open the doors to Mothers Beneath My Wings, Youth Transitional Housing Program. I would like to pledge my financial support today!
Donation Amount
How to Donate
Please send your gift to Mothers Beneath My Wings
7600 W. Roosevelt Rd. #152
Forest Park, IL 60130
You can make tax-deductible checks to Mothers Beneath My Wings.
Or, call (331) 707-9675 to charge your gift on your American Express, MasterCard, Discover, or Visa.
Volunteer Form
Board Members and Volunteers may contact Mothers’ Beneath My Wings, please use this form if you are interested and have a passion with a heart for working with unaccompanied homeless youth, and providing support services in contributing a special skill, professional talents whether it be long- or short-term support in behalf of our participants succeed and outcomes. Volunteer positions depend on the current needs of our start-up organization open new doors! aimed to help ending youth homelessness and child hunger. Thank you for your interest in helping Mothers’ Beneath My Wings open new doors.
Current Opportunities
What skills/ experience do you have that will help us open our doors?
Please feel free to tell us anything else you want us to know about you?
Upcoming Events
Monthly Fundraising Actives
We are proud to present to you our Heart of Giving Gallery, Helena’s Heartfelt® Inspirational Collections. You can help support Mothers Beneath My Wings in opening their doors by shopping with us. Our organization will have Christian children books available through our website, written by the youth program owner/founder 100% of Ms. Helen’s proceeds for her first book, The Big Race and God’s Gifts will be donated to support Mothers’ Beneath My Wings; Inc. Transitional House and Vocational Education Program. You can also purchase other items such as T-Shirts, coffee mugs, headgear, and more; every pursue will help support us in opening new doors to our programs for at-risk homelessness youth and unwed mothers and their children in support their unique needs through housing and education service come shop with us at:
Thank You for having a heart of giving!
Helen J. Slaughter
President & CEO